A Letter To..
My blog comes in the form of letters.
Letters to you.
As a teacher, I’ve written thousands of them. To parents just like you with the same worries, hopes and concerns for their children.
As a mother (of 4) I appreciate the value of hearing from my children’s teachers but as a teacher (of 15 years) I know how challenging it can be giving the warranted time and input to every single parent.
And it’s the feedback that matters.
Tapping into my experiences both in and out of classroom; sitting in on endless meetings, teaching thousands of children and raising my own, these letters are designed to tackle a range of everyday topics and issues.
I hope they raise a smile, give you insights and, above all, confidence that your child will benefit from a more fully rounded education.
Grab a cuppa, find a quiet spot and read a letter or two. I can’t wait to hear about your experiences so please do feed-back.
We’re only an email or ‘phone call’ away.

Jemma Roye